Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hi. This blog is a venue for music criticism of various forms - it will generally feature posts about my favourite albums, or albums I am listening to that I believe require thoughtful investigation, but in future may branch out into general music-related posts.

As opposed to writing what I term "blanket" reviews, which seek to justify or analyse an album from a critical perspective, I will endeavour to write from a more personal, emotive stance that includes anecdotal material and my own subjective responses to a particular text. For this reason I don't believe this blog falls into the genre of traditional music criticism as it's not written for a general audience in a typical evaluative style, but works more from the heart in an effort to document my various musical obsessions.

Unlike other music-related blogs, I won't be including downloadable files of the albums I write about. My apologies - I don't have the file-hosting knowhow to do this, so all you're gonna get from me are rants/recollections/random commentaries and the like. Hopefully some of the stuff I write here will encourage others to seek out the subjects of my posts in some form or other.

The term "brachiating" is defined as " To move by swinging with the arms from one hold to another, as certain apes do." In this sense I hope that this blog will swing across genres, encompassing the variety of styles and musical approaches that I hold dear. I will endeavour to cover a wide range of albums across numerous genres, and will attempt to include as much of the trivial ephemera that clutters my head about a particular text as possible.

I hope you enjoy it!


  1. Helllllllllllllllllllllllllo!
    This is me, writing on ur blog!

  2. hello! i will post an entry soon. stay tuned!
